A Look Back-Part III

The third of four collages showing some of my crocheting and crafting in 2013.


With hook in hand, I have started my 2014 crochet marathon with cotton dish cloths.

My, little, Luna let curiosity get the better of her. Every time I snapped a picture of the dish cloths, against the yellow background, she stuck her head into the picture.

She fulfills the empty part of life.

But, when I used this background, Luna didn’t seem interested.

As a little gift to me, I bundled them with some twine and a couple of dangling hearts.

When I am ready to use the dish cloths, I will hang the little hearts for display.

I was looking through some of my old graphic files that I had drawn over the years using my computer and a paint program.  The two below were some of the first ones I designed and drew.


A graphics designer I am not.  However, at the time, I thought they were perfect.

I was jumping for joy!   stick_girl_jump1b

A Look Back-Part II

Here is the second of four collages on some of my crocheting and crafting in 2013.



After 40 plus years of cooking, I am burned out.  Meal planning is becoming quite challenging. What is challenging, for me, is trying to come up with different types of meals while keeping within a budget.  Food prices and the downsizing of products can be frustrating for those of us living on a modest income.

Since it has been cold here, today I busied myself with baking bread and making soup.

I made a cream of potato and bacon soup-

and a loaf of dill and onion ‘no knead’ yeast bread-

I made tuna salad sandwiches with the bread.

Since I had all of the ingredients on hand, it proved to be an economical and tasty meal for a Saturday night.

Yeah, me!

Good for one more day.


Thank you for visiting!

A Look Back-Part I

Many around the blogosphere have posted a photo collage of the year past. I thought it was an enjoyable way to look back on the many things I have crocheted and crafted at a glance.

Here is the first of four parts on some of my crocheting and crafting in 2013.



For the past two weeks I have been watching “Upstairs Downstairs” (on my Kindle, no charge, with a Prime account).  “Upstairs Downstairs” was a TV series from 1971-1975 about a wealthy aristocratic family and their servants at a London Townhouse on 165 Eaton Place.


The series stands as a document of the social and technological changes that occurred between 1903 and 1930.

The stage was 165 Eaton Place in London’s fashionable district, the characters the family of Sir Richard and Lady Marjorie Bellamy, and the hierarchy of servants that managed their household. From Mr. Hudson the butler and Mrs. Bridges the housekeeper/cook through Rose, Daisy, and Edward, upper level house staff down to Ruby the kitchen maid, audiences knew the lives of those who inhabited the townhouse.

In this series (filmed from 1971-1975) thirty years of history, political upheaval, and social change, were presented in stories that showed the effects on all the characters.

It’s taking me a long time to get through the series as it has 68, approximately and hour-long, episodes.  However, I am so enjoying watching this series that it will be sad when it ends.

“It seems to be tea time.” 

“I’ll just ring for Hudson.”

The Beginning Of The End

Since this is the first day of the new year, I wanted to publish my very first post of a few photos taken towards the end of 2013.

I baked a delicious Almond Cake from David Lebotivz-living the sweet life in Paris for Christmas. Before I could make it pretty by dusting it with confectioner’s sugar, we sliced right into it.

With or without the dusting, this cake was heavenly!

I made a couple of little banners using simple cuts from my Cricut Mini Machine.

One banner I hung on a shelf-

-and the other on the tree.

And, on another shelf, I hung three little crocheted snowflakes that I made from fishing line. Hanging from the fishing line they look as if they are just floating in air, but the camera picked up the line.  Darn!

These are three of the seven I made a few weeks ago. As I had mentioned, I stiffened them with liquid fabric stiffener then sprinkled them with glitter.

I love how the one sparkles when it hits the light.

I also hung the other ones on fishing line then dangled them from the faux Tiffany light fixture over the kitchen table. They sparkled and shined by candlelight.

One year, many years ago, Carrie bought Tom a Christmas train set. Every year, on Christmas night, Tom sets it up for us to enjoy. It also has a little station that plays Christmas music.

The set has more cars than the three showing in these pictures.

I don’t know why I chose to shoot only three.

These two pictures (below) have no rhyme or reason.

The other day I was changing the setting on my camera and used the rag doll, that I made a while back, and the corner of my craft table to test the setting.


I still can’t get the setting right on my camera.

I will keep working on it though.

Today, for our New Year’s supper, I made Tourtière (Canadian Pork Pie), and for dessert I made Whoopie Pies.

I don’t like to make new year’s resolution.  I have yet to follow through with any that I have made in the past.   However, I did make a couple this year.  I resolve to look at life in a positive way, do better for myself and for my family, and just be happy to be alive.

 All in all, it was a quiet Christmas and New Year for us.  We ate good and everyone is healthy.

What more can one ask?

Happy New Year!  

snowman (1)

Enough With The Crocheted Items, Already!

I had forgotten that last year I crocheted snowflakes and some other little ornaments for our tree. Before we put up our tree, I crocheted more little ornaments. I do this mostly because I am bored and can’t decide what to crochet.

I found the direction for this little heart…

…and this little heart online over at Aristo Hats.

Then I crocheted these circles I made up as I went along.

I took a break from crocheting and made a little felt chicken hanging on some gold jewelry wire.  I found the pattern online, but I don’t have the link.


The 2013 collections of Christmas ornaments!


Now what!

Oh, yeah!   A few weeks ago I crocheted some apple coaster without a net pattern.

And, I crocheted this sunflower without a net pattern for no particular reason.

Frankly, I don’t know what else to crochet. I did manage to knit a dishcloth the other night and frogged (rip it, rip it) the other one I was working on.

As Christmas is closing in and the new year is near, I am hoping to make some changes in my life.

Notice, I said hope.



A Moment From The Past

My sister and I were talking about this one cookies that my family used to make for any and all occasions back when we were kids. They’re an Italian, anise, dropped cookie topped with a thick butter-cream frosting.

After talking to my sister the other day, I got a craving for those cookies and got busy baking.

Along the years, I modified the family recipe just a bit to make them softer and sponge-like. The ones I remember from my childhood were a crunchy cookie similar to a biscotti before the second baking/toasting. Rather than a thick butter-cream frosting, I make a butter-cream glaze. I think the glaze looks prettier.

Whether it was pizzella, biscotti or these dropped cookies the recipe was always the same flavored with anise.


If you crochet or knit, you know that there is always a stash of left-over yarn from other projects.  I happened upon the Blooming Flower Cushion over at Attic 24 and thought it a good project using up left-over yarn. I remember my grandmother making similar pillows, but not as colorful.  I don’t think there were as many brilliant colors of yarn in the past (30-40 years ago) as today.  I could be wrong.  I just don’t remember.

Not having a round pillow form, I sewed one using some muslin and fiber-fill.  I made the form before I started crocheting so that I could measure how many rounds I needed to end.

In a previous post, I made a pair of finger-less gloves for my husband using some sports yarn that I had on hand.  I had more than enough yarn left to make a pair for me. On mine, I crocheted-for one round-a dc cluster stitch around the cuffs and the tops.  The color would not have been my first choice. I don’t know why I purchased such a color in numerous skeins.

I must have had an off-the-wall idea at one time.


Keeping Warm

I love those vintage type pot holders.  I remember, as a  child, my mother had some that she hung as a decoration.  They were just too pretty to use.

In addition to the two that I previously crocheted, I crocheted two more.

I used size 3 cotton and found the chart-pattern online. I like these two colors together.

Last year-using Red Heart® Heart & Sole with Aloe sock yarn and a size B crochet hook-I started a pair of fingerless gloves, for me, and quickly got bored and never finished them. I tucked them away in a draw out-of-sight/out-of-mind. The other day I happened upon them. I decided that I would finally finish them. After looking at the one that was almost finished, I finally remembered the pattern, (I really should keep a log of my patterns) then added rounds of half-fingers to finish.

I started the other one and, again, put them aside.

This picture really doesn’t do it justice.   It looks ugly, but it  fitsshall I say it– like a glove !  It’s snug without being tight and it’s not  bulky or awkward.


While I was working on my gloves, I got an idea to crochet a pair, for my husband, using some sports yarn that I had on hand and an E crochet hook.  This time, I would eliminate the half-fingers and just do a couple of rounds for the thumbs. I am not loving the color, but they will keep hubby’s hands warm when he works around the yard.


…the other day I bottled my, homemade, cranberry liqueur. The cranberries had to soak in vodka for four weeks before I could finished and bottle the liqueur. I only made one batch this year.  We made just enough for a one liter bottle and almost 2 jars. It will be ready to drink on Christmas Eve.  The last time I made it was in 2009.


Thank God For Dirty Dishes

Having some cotton yarn on hand, I crocheted three dish clothes.

I didn’t have any particular pattern in mind.

It is not that these patterns are unique, it is that I didn’t have a plan before starting each one.

If I say so myself, I do like the bright colors.

Thank God for dirty dishes,
They have a tale to tell.
While others may go hungry,
We’re eating very well.

When I was a child, my mother hung a little plate with that very poem. Today, I have that plate hanging on my wall near my kitchen sink.  This plate, that I cherish, has to be over 50 years old.  I found that these vintage plates are quite popular.

My cat, Luna was sitting in the front window inside of the house while I was taking pictures outside.  I snapped a picture of her through the window.

I like how her colors are the same colors as the outside.

Look how well she blends in with the outdoors reflecting from the window.

More WIPS Finished

I finished some of the things that I have been putting on hold.

I had this bright idea to make pins using sheets of felt then adding embroidery stitches and beads. I quickly got bored with that idea. I did manage to finish three.

I added some pin backs,

called it a day,  and discovered that I just don’t like how they turned out.

Then I had another bright idea to crochet some snowflakes. I crocheted six and, again, I quickly got bored with that project. So, I set them aside, and finally finished them yesterday. I stiffened them with liquid fabric stiffener and sprinkled them with glitter. After about 24 hours, when they were dried and stiffened, I turned them over and sprayed the other side with some fabric stiffener (this time the spray kind) and sprinkled the other side with glitter.

It is hard to see the glitter in this picture, but they do glisten in the light.

Saturday night, failing to find something entertaining on TV, I crocheted this little turkey.

I found the pattern at: Craft Passion. The pattern calls for baby yarn and since I didn’t have any, I used worsted weight yarn and a larger hook. I glued a couple of magnets to the back and hung it on my front door. The beak and the snood, in the pattern, were made from felt, but I crocheted a beak and a snood. I wanted to crochet another one for the refrigerator, but quickly got bored with trying to finish this one.

I don’t know why I am having a hard time trying to find something that holds my interest lately.  I know that I have been stressed for 3 solid years and everything I do, as far as crafting,  seems useless and unnoticed.  It is hard for someone to comprehend how someone can be so stressed for so long.  I am quite astonished that I haven’t had a complete breakdown by now.

I will hold on and keep convincing myself that things will get better.  Whether they do or not, I will keep hoping-I hope.


Crazy Grannyghan And Stoop

A while back, I said I was going to finish some projects that I started then put aside. I, finally, finished this afghan a couple of weeks ago.

It’s a circle inside of a granny square, then framed with a granny square stitch. There isn’t a pattern for this because I made it up as I went along. It’s really easy, but monotonous. Or maybe, I just can’t relax and enjoy the task at hand.

We didn’t do much in the way of decorating for Halloween this year.  We just put out a few lights inside our front porch or what I call the stoop.

Halloween just isn’t the same since commercialization took over every aspect of our imagination. I wanted to forgo decorating or giving out candy this year, but I was over-ruled.

So, we compromised where less is more-then-we-would-have-if-I-had-gotten-my-way.

Oh, well!


Crocheted Pot Holders or Hot Mats

I am at a loss for words. What can I possibly say about the vintage-type pot holders/hot mats I crocheted, except to say, “I crocheted two vintage-type pot holders.”

I didn’t follow any pattern. These are just basic shapes, that most crocheters know, using cotton crochet thread, size 3, and a size 2 hook.

One I started with a round of dc, then the next round in cluster crochet to make it look like a flower.

The other one, I add a floral motif after it was finished.

For each pot holder, I crocheted 2 side.  Then, I crocheted them together.   One was crocheted together using a sc continuing with the main color then with the white, I did a long sc with a chain in between.

The square one, I sc them together with the main color, then I slip stitched around using white.

No excitement, no fanfare, just two crocheted vintage-type pot holder/hot mats crocheted by me.

The end.


Black Bean Veggie Burger

Again, I am on another quest to try to eat healthier. It has been a week and, so far, I am still succeeding. It is not the food, it is the cost of the healthier food and food in general. Especially, especially, if your family won’t even try any of the healthy dishes. It’s like having 2 separate grocery bills in one house.

I happened upon a recipe at No Meat Athlete for Veggie Burgers. We purchased a package of MorningStar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers. I do like them, but not the price. For four MorningStar patties the cost was $4.00.

From the Veggie Burger formula from No Meat Athlete, I was able to put together a black bean burger. I used Guiona and 2 tablespoons of sliced almonds for the texture. For the dry base I used oatmeal . For the liquid, I used liquid smoke and low-sodium soy sauce. For the spices I used Montreal steak seasoning (even thought the sodium content was a little to high for me), curry powder, chili powder, all spice, and black pepper. For the veggies, I used shredded carrots, onions, minced garlic-I sautéed the slice almonds with the veggies.


What helped with the cost is that I already had the majority of ingredients on hand save the black beans and liquid smoke. I was happy that when I was forming the burgers they kept the shape and didn’t fall apart.

Instead of the 18, golf ball sized, flattened burgers that No Meat Athlete suggested, I made 8 regular sized burgers.


I broke it all down and I got a calorie count of 210 per pattie before cooking. The MorningStar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers are 170 calorie each and are much smaller than the ones I made.

When I cooked them, I cooked them in a teaspoon of olive oil so they wouldn’t stick to the pan. I could have used olive oil cooking spray, but I forgot that I had some.


These were good, but I am still in pursuit to find the best homemade veggie burger out there. I still have 7 more of these black bean burgers in the freezer. I will have to eat the majority of these before I try another type.

Thus far, the best meatless, main course I have eaten is my Lentil and Rice Meatloaf.


Black Bean Veggie Burgers

Again, I am on another quest to try to eat healthier.  It has been a week and, so far, I am still succeeding.  It is not the food,  it is the cost of the healthier food and food in general. Especially, especially, if your family won’t even try any of the healthy dishes.  It’s like having 2 separate grocery bills in one house.

I happened upon a recipe at No Meat Athlete for Veggie Burgers.  We purchased a package of MorningStar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers. I do like them, but not the price.  For four MorningStar patties the cost was $4.00.

From the Veggie Burger formula from No Meat Athlete, I was able to put together a  black bean burger.  I used Guiona and 2 tablespoons of sliced almonds for the texture. For the dry base I used oatmeal .  For the liquid, I used liquid smoke and low-sodium soy sauce.  For the spices I used Montreal steak seasoning (even thought the sodium content was a little to high for me), curry powder, chili powder, all spice, and black pepper.  For the veggies, I used shredded carrots, onions, minced garlic-I sautéed the slice almonds with the veggies.


What helped with the cost is that I already had the majority of ingredients on hand save the black beans and liquid smoke.  I was happy that when I was forming the burgers they kept the shape and didn’t fall apart.

Instead of the 18, golf ball sized, flattened burgers that No Meat Athlete suggested, I made 8 regular sized burgers.

black bean veggie pattie

I broke it all down and I got a calorie count of 210 per pattie before cooking.   The MorningStar Farms® Grillers Prime® Veggie Burgers are 170 calorie each and are much smaller than the ones I made.

When I cooked them, I cooked them in a teaspoon of olive oil so they wouldn’t stick to the pan. I could have used olive oil cooking spray, but I forgot that I had some.

black bean burger

These were good, but I am still in pursuit to find the best homemade veggie burger out there.  I still have 7 more of these black bean burgers in the freezer.  I will have to eat the majority of these before I try another type.

 Thus far, the best meatless main course I have eaten is my Lentil and Rice Meatloaf.

apron siggy

Caramel and Apple Spells Autumn

I am, slowly, working on those projects that I have wanted  to finish.  I seem to have lost interest.  But, most crafters will agree that ambitions run hot and cold.

Today I made Caramel Apple Cookies found at The Runaway Spoon.

apple caramel cookies

The recipe said to bake 8-10 minutes. For me that wasn’t long enough. They didn’t cook in the middle and even after leaving them on the tray to cool completely, they fell apart. I left the next two trays of dough in the oven for 11-12 minutes. They came out perfect.

apple caramel cookies

These cookies taste best when they are warm. Once the caramel hardens they become a little hard to chew. But, a few seconds in the microwave to soften the caramel and you have one delicious Autumn treat.

apple caramel cookies

A nice cup of  hot tea, a warm cookie, curled-up with a good book, and you have the perfect Autumn day.


Handmade Overload

Having an overabundance of handmade articles that I made over the years, I have decided to take a break from producing any more yarn, paper, fabric, etc. items. Now, I am focusing on finishing up a couple of items that I am working on before I take a rest from crafting. There just isn’t enough interest for me to consider putting them all up for sale. How many family and friends can you gift all of your whims and impulses.

Crafting can get quite expensive. Especially, if money just isn’t there to indulge in supplies. I love to craft whether it be crocheting, sewing, paper crafts, woodworking, drawing, etc. but I feel that I am wasting resources-at this time-on meaningless notions. I have always had this drive to create and I don’t think it will ever go away. My skills with art, whether it be a good or bad outcome, is a lonely art for me. My family and friends don’t share my desire for crafting. While I was focusing on becoming an artisan, they were focusing on getting a life and making a living. In the end, I lost.

Besides, it doesn’t help one’s social standings when one is an introvert-now, does it!

However, I know that I will be back to doing what I love to do in time.  It is just a part of who I am.

For now, I will catch-up on my reading, unclutter my crafting room, put some order to my supplies and finish up the projects I have been working on.  On my Kindle and on my coffee table,  I have stored  many books that I want to read.  I really want to get to them.

A couple of weeks ago I did read “A Fine Romance by Susan Branch. It was a light read but a good book.


Susan Branch is a self-taught artist and her books are “homemade” as in, watercolored and completely hand-written. I must say that I loved all the illustrations and reading about her ocean voyage to England and all the her discoveries ‘through the historical homes and gardens of art and literary heroes, along ancient footpaths, through wildflower meadows and fields of lambs, into tea rooms, pubs and antique stores.’  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book sitting on my front porch, in my white rocker, while relaxing with a cup of tea.

Right now I am reading, “As Always, Julia:  The Letters of Julia Child and Avis DeVoto.   It is a collection of letters written between Julia and her pen pal Avis DeVoto during the time Julia was living in France while trying to get her book  “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” off the ground.

“An important piece of culinary history through the never-before-seen letters between these two witty women.”
New York Post

“A reminder of the power of persistence, of a dream or a friendship, and of the lost art of writing a letter.”

“This book feels like chick lit … of an exalted order … Two housewives, each in her 40s … let rip about all kinds of things, from shallots, beurre blanc and the misery of dried herbs to politics, aging and sex … Funny and forthright opinions about food and life.”
—New York Times

If you loved Julia, or if you are a foodie and want to do a little light reading, I recommend this book.

Autumn Banner

Looking forward to cooler weather, while getting a little ahead of myself, I made a banner to celebrate my favorite season-Autumn.

I made the design template using my psp7 program.

I printed the template using light-weight card stock, cut them out then I laminated each and cut around the pattern. I could have laminated the whole sheet after I printed, but I didn’t want to waste laminate-it is so expensive.

If you like this idea, I have the templates for download. It is in a .pdf format. You can download it here or click on the instructions below.  You will need Adobe Reader to view and to download these templates.

If you don’t have Adobe Reader you can download it here for free.


Enjoy and Happy-early-Autumn!


And Many, Many, More

Yesterday was my grandson Brian’s 13th birthday.

For cake, I made a cherry cheesecake at his request. Since frosting one wouldn’t do for decorations, I made some banners using specialty (scrapping) paper, straws, and baker’s twine.   You gotta love baker’s twine!

He also asked me to make him some candied ginger. This time, I saved the ginger syrup. This syrup is good for iced or hot tea.

I have made candied ginger before. The recipe can be found here.

It seems  like  yesterday that this boy, at his 1st birthday,…


is this boy today.

Happy Birthday, Brian!

We are very proud of all of your accomplishments.


Baking Cookies and Proofed Fabric

I had a good day today.

I baked Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies.  The main ingredients are toasted, old-fashioned oatmeal and of course, peanut butter sandwiched between a creamy peanut butter filling. The recipe didn’t call for vanilla, but I added a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla when I add the oats and the peanut butter.

I dressed them up in butcher’s twine for their photo shoot.

I love butcher’s twine.  It is so dainty.

Then, while I was baking the cookies, the mail came and I got the proofs of the fabrics that I designed-

The coloring was perfect.

I am now able to sell my fabric, wallpaper, gift wrap and decorative boxes.

These are just the proofs and the proofs don’t do the fabric justice.  The patterns aren’t as big as the proofs.

Click on the banner below to see how the fabrics, etc.  look.

Say Very Sweet Things Fabric

I have a couple more fabric designs to add to my collection, but first I have to get proofs.

I hope that this little endeavor works out for me.  I don’t have a lot of confidence in myself.  Because I lack self-confidence, I pull back from trying things.


Rug Mug and Potholder

I sewed a couple of items the other day. I had seen, around the net, something called a rug mug and some potholders shaped like cupcakes. I thought they were a cute idea and looked pretty easy to do.

For the rug mug, I was going to do a binding without doing the binding method.


I was too lazy to do an actual binding.

After I quilted all the pieces, I started cutting the batting away and cut right through the gingham piece that I was going to use for the binding.

Well, that was stupid!

Setting my laziness aside, I cut a piece for the binding-which I should have done in the first place.

Then I continued on by doing a blind stitch binding.

 I love the cherry and red gingham patterns together.

Then, I got an idea to use the same material to make ‘cupcake’ potholders. I used my trusty psp7 to draw the cupcake and the frosting pattern.

I used Insul~Bright polyester insulated lining for both the cupcake and the frosting.

Just when I was stitching around the frosting-the last stitches-I got sloppy and didn’t want to make the second one.  Or, could it be that I didn’t want to make another one and that’s when I got sloppy?

It is kind of like the chicken and the egg analogy. 

I just know that I wasn’t happy with the finished results.

However, I am the proud owner of one, sloppy, cupcake potholder!

That’s one more than I had before!

Moving on…


Crochet Trinket Baskets With Lid

I am finally posting the other three covered trinket baskets I crocheted a couple of weeks ago.

When choosing the colors I wanted, I had Halloween in mind.

The two purple baskets are made with Lizbeth Cordonnet Cotton Thread-Size 3. The orange one is made with Aunt Lydia’s Cotton Thread also size 3.

I have crocheted many baskets and if you would like to see them, you can find them here, herehere, and here.
I have kept busy sewing and have completed two items.    I am pleased with one,  but the other…pfft!    The “pfft” one is from a pattern that I drew using my PSP7.  The other is simple and basic.  I will post pictures soon.
I am off to get a cup of coffee.  I am starting to nod-off.  It has been a long day.
Your eyes are getting sleepy…
Thank you for visiting!

Sweet Lizzy

Two years ago my grandchildren moved 1200 miles from me, I don’t get to see them. Not seeing them leaves such an empty feeling. When I think of them, I get a lump in my throat and my eyes well up and tear. I see how they have grown through photos.

Yesterday, I took a photo (of my granddaughter) that my daughter posted on Facebook and made a scrap type page with it and then framed it.

For just a little while, the emptiness was put aside as I worked to frame her pretty face.

I miss my family.


Apple Crisp Muffins

Take time out of the day for a warm “apple crisp muffin” and a cup of cinnamon tea.

The cinnamon tea compliments the apple cinnamon in the muffins.

I sit and think how lovely it would be to share a cup of tea and a little treat with someone and talk about all those things that girls and women share with each other.

But, as each of my dreams have either failed or faded, I am content to just think…think about how lovely things could have been.

I enjoy designing little graphics on my computer.  Today, with my PSP program, I made a card and added the apple crisp muffin recipe.


Click here for the text graphic recipe.


A Room Of My Own

Years ago, when I sewed, painted or did any type of crafting I would have to use my kitchen table.  It was such a hassle. If I wanted to sew or paint,  I would have to bring the sewing machine, supplies, etc. out to the dining area.  Then, right before meals were served, I had to pick up my mess, set it aside until the meals were over, then spread everything back out…Well, you get the idea.

However, for the past 23 years, I have a room where I can go to and be creative and not have to pick up my mess.  It is a rather small room.  Just the same, I am grateful for the extra room as it accommodates my computer, sewing machine, storage drawers, crafting and sewing table, etc.   I use one of our three bedrooms for that space.

This is just one corner of the room for now.

It’s nothing fancy.

In fact, it is hardly note worthy.

It is just a place where my ideas become tangible.

It is a place where I can go to shut out the harsh reality of living on an island.


It’s just a little room of my own.


Hanging House and Trinket Basket

With Lizbeth Cordonnet Cotton Thread, I crocheted another trinket basket.

I had two balls of #20 thread and used two strands held together to make this basket.

Last year I crocheted a few using an array of colors shown here, here, and here


And, with some scrap pieces of fabric, I made a little hanging house.

I have some sewing ideas that I want to start, but before I do that, I have a few more trinket boxes I want to do and a book I want to finish.

On some days I have too much to do and others I just sit around like a lump.

I am guessing that I should be grateful for having choices.


Sew Busy

I have been going back and forth between crocheting and sewing.  I have some small pieces of fabric and a roll of batting and found a cute tutorial for a small clutch/pouch. A perfect little project for the materials I have on hand.

It has a lining (I used muslin) and I added a button instead of an elastic closure.

I want to make another, but this time I want to make it a little longer.

Thanks to some talented people on the web who are will to share their ideas and patterns for free, you can find the tutorial for this clutch/pouch over at, “Our Busy Little Bunch“.

I tried to leave a comment on her blog, (to thank her for sharing such a cute tutorial) but I was unable.

I am not a big chocolate eater, but the other night I was craving chocolate cake. Go figure!  The next day I baked (IMHO) the best Chocolate Cake ever. It’s moist and the frosting isn’t “sickie” sweet.

It’s from the recipe, HERSHEY’S “PERFECTLY CHOCOLATE” Chocolate Cake.

To me, there is nothing better than a homemade cake.

The other day, after a rain, I went and sat on my front porch and spied this little tree frog in the bushes right next to me.  I ran to get my camera, but the lens kept frogging-up fogging-up.  I didn’t think I would get a clear picture of it, but I did manage to get one picture, from many, of the cute little thing.

In trying to keep busy, that’s how I spent the last few days.


Diamond and Chain Scarf

No one wants to think of winter clothing or accessories in the summertime.  However, for those who want to crochet regardless of the season this is a quick and easy scarf to crochet.

I used Caron Simply Soft yarn to make this scarf.   Using this type of yarn makes this scarf light, airy and free-flowing.

For the full size chart of this pattern, click on chart and save from there.
